People with special needs often find themselves dependent on their family members or one or the other person to get through the day. You don’t have to worry about that anymore as we are here to cater to all your needs. It becomes difficult and depressing at times to always look for somebody to do little chores for you. People who have been independent all their lives find it extremely difficult to cope up and stay dependent. We at Sendayo have a different approach towards fulfilling and catering to whoever signs up with our service.

Our Care Workers are sensitive to the feelings and ensure that nurturing that you may want to give your loved one who is in need. A busy schedule can sometimes be a hindrance in taking care of our family member who has special needs. Life is a struggle and, we understand that which is why we have a strict system to recruit care workers in our organisation. We will not compromise when it comes to nursing and looking after our people. 

Our apps are available online as Sendayo on Appstore and Sendayo Customer on Google Play to make Services easily accessible. The users can download the versions and get started with few easy steps. There are two versions of the app; one for the Care Worker and other for the users to get the service.

Why Choose Sendayo?

Few Clickety Clicks, feed one-time Information and that is all!

One of the concerns that we all have is the safety of our family member for whom we are appointing the Care Worker. Keeping this in view, we offer our users with extensive Insurance Cover; Public Liability, Professional Indemnity, Work Cover. According to the norms of the Australian Government, these cover plans are incorporated into the system so that there is transparency, safety and prevention of any misuse that can be in the future. 

For people with special needs, our Care Workers will accommodate anything that is a part of the person’s life which can be taking the person to social events, shopping, a walk in the park, maintenance of the home, fun activities to cheer the mood and much more. From an entirely medical perspective, people who enjoy daily activities, have an optimistic approach towards life and have a positive attitude tend to grow and heal faster. We can control the mind and the body with peaceful thoughts and, those who have special needs by adopting new ways can help them elevate and enliven the spirit by bringing that cheer back which can prove their body to be more receptive to the medications in return. Our Care Workers are sensitive to the needs of the person and are qualified professionals.

From Transportation, Personal Assistance, Overnight Support to In-Home Daily activities including preparation of meals, our Care Givers are all in to provide with all the support that they can.

How to use Sendayo App?

Few Clickety Clicks, feed one-time Information and that is all it takes!

Install the application and register as a user. Fill in your details and, now you have the opportunity to book a Care Worker just like the way one would book a cab service. According to the criteria that the user enters in the app, the matching and available Care Workers will trace and prompt your application offering their services. You can interview and screen the Care Worker before appointing them. You will need to enter the type of care you require and the duties that the Care Worker will be required to do. You can also check the profile of the Care Worker where you can check their credibility, ratings and reviews. After your satisfaction, you can book the service from the Care Worker that you like. 

In case if you are unable to use the application then, your family member can operate it for you from anywhere at any time and book the shift accordingly. You can book night or day shift, track expenses, check out Care Workers profile for training and skill and book or cancel the appointment at any time but there will be few charges for the same.

For any assistance, we are always here for you!

Sendayo app makes it easy to check out the information and also inform complaint or claim whatever the case may be.  

The User can browse our FAQ page for any queries that there may be. Our support is active for the user to use the call or email assistance and ask the authorities for anything that they might need. 

Our job is to facilitate easy programmes and caregiving support system with reliability by recruiting responsible and qualified staff assistance which is why we stand out from the rest of the services today. We assist from anything to everything that forms the part of the system. Our Services are certified where we aim at bringing the best. We understand your needs and abide by being sympathetic and compassionate to the nature of the person to cater and enrich the lives in the best possible ways.